The workshop Atelier Lionel Fernandes offers a wide range of services. The list of offers described below is representative but by no means exhaustive. Do not hesitate to contact us by email, telephone or via our form on the contact page for any further information.
– Carving / Cabinet-making:
1/ Design of custom-made furniture
2/ Creation of wood, bronze1 & resin sculptures
3/ Reproduction of all styles of ornamentation in wood, resin and bronze1
4/ Production of coats of arms and blazons in wood, resin and bronze1
5/ Manufacture of custom-made artwork bases
6/ Custom-made wood engraving
7/ Woodturning
8/ Gilding works1
– Restoration:
1/ Restoration of antiques and artifacts2
2/ Writing of condition report3
– Training:
1/ Individual / group classes (see catalog)
– Other:
1/ Expertise of furniture and art objets3,4.
– Carving services:
1/ Production of limited and medium series in wood & resin
2/ Production of originals works by enlargement or reduction from a model
3/ Production of originals sculptures in wood, bronze1 & resin from a model or a sketch
– Manufacture of custom-made artwork bases
– Training in wood manufacturing techniques
– Training in methodology of protection of work and drafting of certificates of authenticity
– Counseling in the drafting of reproduction, exhibition & sale contract of masterpiece.
– Writing of condition report3
2Discover the ethics of our workshop.
3Composition of a condition report.
4Expertise approach
Each sculpture is a unique piece; our work starts from your ideas, a sketch or a photo and adapts to your expectations. We offer our know-how & knowledge to advise you and answer your request as well as possible. I consider restoration activities as a duty! Whatever their origin, objects have a strong sentimental and emotional imprint; their transmission to future generations is therefore one of our main missions! It is also with this mindset that our workshop produces training courses in woodworking in order to communicate, transmit and share our passion, ethics, knowledge and know-how with our learners and thus ensure the continuation of our rare and exceptional profession.